How to be accurate, balanced, and not misleading

One of the main rules of compliance states your promotion needs to be accurate, balanced and not misleading. Below are some examples that illustrate exactly what this means.

4  things you should be accurate about:

1. Do not impersonate: Do not say you represent eToro, or use eToro in your domain name.

2. Do not portray eToro as a local brand when it’s not. For example: A sentence like “The best French broker”  is not compliant. Although eToro may be available in France, it’s not a French broker, so please avoid describing it as such.

3. Do not promote unavailable instruments, promotions or payment methods.

4. Be accurate about payment options, fees and  maximum leverage (depending on the underlying asset) and make sure to check the fee schedule on the eToro website for the most up-to-date information.

You can find links to all of the information you need to write accurate campaigns in the “Find out more” section in the eToro Partners hub.

Your promoting should be balanced:

1. Please make sure your message is balanced: whenever mentioning possible gains, always include the associated risks and possible losses. Likewise, if you mention leverage can be used to maximize gains, mention that it also maximizes potential losses. 

2. Please do not use imagery to suggest gains, such as money, luxury cars etc. 

3. When promoting Popular Investors, please do not refer to them as “professional traders” or “the world’s best traders.” You can use more accurate descriptions, such as “the best traders on eToro” or “seasoned traders”  or “top-performing traders.”

4. When promoting CopyTrading, please do not make statements like “you don’t need any knowledge” or “sit back and relax while others do the work for you.” Remember that CopyTrading is still trading, and risk and losses may still occur.

5. Please avoid referring to the stock market as “‘easy.” Trading is not easy, so please avoid writing sentences like “Trading is easy on eToro” or “eToro is for beginners.” Instead, you can highlight that eToro is user-friendly with an intuitive platform.

Last but not least — Not misleading.

If something is neither clear nor balanced, it is likely to mislead a customer into making a purchasing decision. So please avoid using sentences like:

  • “Trading has never been so easy”
  • “Start your career as a trader right now”
  • “You can use trading to generate a secondary income and to pay off your debt faster.” 

To summarize, remember that compliance can be challenging, so when in doubt, reach out to your Affiliate Manager or schedule a private compliance meeting via Calendly.